Brand Assets
Use of Logo Designs
Making use of any one of Ascents Onsite Services logo designs on any type of file or in association with any type of info symbolises that the file or info has been prepared or approved by Ascents Onsite Service. The logos are used only on products/materials generated by Ascents Onsite Services office or where Ascents Onsite Services has operated in association with a company.
Use of any one of Ascents Onsite Services logo designs without Ascents Onsite Services authorisation infringes the copyright held in respect of the logos. No authorisation will be approved for making use of the logos nor reproduction of the logos in any type of form be allowed unless Ascents Onsite Services agrees that:
- the material on which the logos is to be utilised as well as
- making use of the logo designs on such product/material have actually been expressly authorised by the office via email or letter.
Assent Onsite Services Logos in PNG & EPS + Color Palette
Logo Guidelines
Primary Logotype
Used whenever possible on a white background.
Primary Logotype
Used whenever possible on a dark background.
Vertical Logotype
Used in marketing with plenty of space on a dark background.
Vertical Logotype
Used in marketing with plenty of space on a white background.Icon
Use in UI with limited space on a white background.Icon
Use in UI with limited space on a dark background.
Colour Palette
Our colour palette is unique to our brand; you have a choice to start with a white or cream canvas, accompanied by the dominance of Ascent Onsite Services dark brown and yellow palettes.
All our Call to Actions CTA or Design Block Sections are filled with dark brown and white or yellow text. You may choose to splashed out with our yellow accent for the background with the dark brown text.
Dark Brown#E8BE43
Accent Yellow#9D6A28
Dull Yellow#3D4459
Text Grey#E1CFC4
Background CreamTypography
Headline 1 is Poppins 800 at 62px.
Headline 2 is Poppins 800 at 52px.
Headline 3 is Poppins 800 at 42px.
Headline 4 is Poppins 800 at 32px.
Headline 5 is Poppins 700 at 22px.
Paragraphs are in Nunito 400 or Regular at 18px, Paragraph Spacing 18px.
Buttons & Navigation elements use ALL CAPS in Poppins 500, at 15px.
If you’re not unsure of how to use any of the brand assets, just get in touch with us.